
Friday, September 15, 2017

Weekly Review 9/11 - 9/15

Welcome back to school! We made it through our first full week - congratulations to everyone!

We hope you and your family had a fun and relaxing summer. Today, we sent home the following letter:

Dear Parents/Guardians:

As our school year begins, we would like to welcome you and your family into the music community here at Memorial Elementary School. The lifelong benefits your child will obtain through music extend beyond the classroom and are transferable to every other academic subject. Below are the dates of our performances, showcasing some of  the skills that your child will develop throughout the year:

4th Grade Veteran’s Day Assembly - Monday, November 6, 2017 at 1:30 p.m.
4th/5th Grade Winter Concert - Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
1st Grade Showcase - Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 1:30 p.m.
4th/5th Grade Spring Concert -  TBD - We are waiting for the state testing window to be announced. This concert will be sometime in May at 7:00 p.m.  A letter will be sent home when this date is finalized, and it will be posted on our blog.
2nd Grade Memorial Day Assembly - Friday, May 25, 2018 at 10:00 a.m.
3rd Grade Recorder and Violin Concert - Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 8:30 a.m.

For all performance information, weekly lesson reviews, songs, games, and classroom photos/videos you can visit our Memorial Music Blog:

Again, welcome to our musical family and we look forward to meeting you!

Musically Yours,
Memorial Music Department:
Mrs. Rzasa
Mrs. Niu
Mr. Napierkowski
Mrs. Cline


The first graders are so excited to have music class this year! We discussed the rules and fun things like BRAVO and Music Superhero, and did a great activity called "Jump Jim Joe." It is a movement game where students sing and pick a different partner each time for the dance. The students also sang or spoke their name as a solo in our "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" activity and chant! We started another new song this week called "Welcome Back," which helps students explore musical opposites: fast vs. slow, and loud vs. quiet.

Can you believe that our second grade students were jump roping in music this week? We learned a a fun song called the "Skipping Rope Song." Each round, we sang a different child's name as they jumped over the rope (making sure to stay with the steady, even beat!).

The second graders also played a game similar to "Lucy Locket" called "I Have Lost My Closet Key." We will continue the game next week!

In third grade, the students played along with one of my favorite beginning of the year activities- "Hey Children."  The students learned the song first, followed by a clapping routine.  Once the routine was mastered, the clapping routine was transferred to the rhythm sticks so we could play the name game!  It was a lot of fun. They also started a great circle dance called "Tideo" - we will finish this next week.

The fourth grade students learned a song called, "Rocky Mountain."  This song explores high and low voices, and was a bit tricky at first!  The song has a hand routine that goes along with it- we did the routine in whole notes (4 beats), half notes (2 beats), quarter notes (1 beat) and eighth notes (1/2 beat).  For the second class this week, we were able to use "drums" (recycled water jugs) instead of our laps.  EVERY student had a drum to play!  It was fun to play and sing at the same time.

In fifth grade, we sang an African song called "Sansa Kroma."  Ask your 5th grader about the meaning of the song!  Once we learned all of the words, we did a drumming activity similar to the one the fourth graders did with their song. It was a blast (and quite loud)!

We hope you have an amazing weekend!

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