
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Weekly Review- 5/6-5/10

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to our  4th and 5th graders for putting on a wonderful performance on Wednesday! Your hard work paid off! Mrs. Rzasa and I are so proud of you all!

With their partners, the first grade students  performed their song using body percussion in ABA form. They did a great job! Then we transfered these compositions to hand percussion instruments. Students could choose from 4 different instruments: hand shakers, hand drums, triangles, or rhythm sticks. In order to ensure different timbres in each composition, partners had to pick different instruments. We can't wait to hear each group perform next week! We will post their performances on the blog. Stay tuned!

Each second grade class composed their very own two measure long class song. Each student contributed either a rhythmic value or a pitch to the song. It was nice to see how uniquely different each class's song was. The students also worked together in groups of two or three to add lyrics to the song.   Each group focused on making sure the syllables of each word in their song matched up to the rhythm in the composition. Mrs. Siegal's class's performance is up on the blog. Stay tuned for the other three classes!

Third grade students are busy preparing for Memorial Day Assembly. The assembly will be on Friday, May 24th, at 9:00am. The assembly will consist of recorder playing, speaking parts, and songs- "It's a Day To Honor Those Who Served" and "You're A Grand Old Flag!" Lyrics are on the blog now! Make sure you take the time to memorize the songs! Don't forget to memorize your white and purple belt songs!

Happy Mother's Day to ALL the moms out there!!!

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