
Thursday, May 9, 2013

2nd Grade Compositions

On Tuesday, Mrs. Siegel's class composed a two measure song.  Each student contributed either a rhythmic value or a pitch to the song, and it was fun to listen to it once it was finished.  Everyone was so proud of the final composition!

Today, the students worked together in groups of two or three to add lyrics to the song.   Each group focused on making sure the syllables of each word in their song matched up to the rhythm in the composition.

Check it out!

"Lacrosse is so awesome 'cause you get to slash"

"I like Taco Tuesday on my big birthday"

"Monsters like to live in flowers in late Spring"

"Hamsters are so tiny, so cuddly, and cute"

"Oceans are so salty and cool and fun"

"I like tacos with meat.  It is very good"

"Iron Man is so cool and he can fly high"

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