
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Weekly Review 3/4-3/8

March Madness in music began with folk dancing in every grade, except of our 3rd grade students who are working so hard on their recorders. With St. Patrick's day around the corner, we thought dancing would be a great activity.

Our first grade students continued playing the game, "Walk to the House." I must admit, I am quite amazed that these first graders know the names of so many percussion instruments. We also learned a folk dance called, "Chimes of Dunkirk." It's a song from France. We found where France was on the globe and learned the history of the song. Here are our first grade students performing this dance:

Our second grade students had so much fun performing the "Irish Washerwoman" dance that they created their own version of the dance in small groups.

The third graders have been doing an amazing job on their recorders and in the recorder centers!  Many of them have started the green belt (Lucy Locket), so we are now working on low E.  Just as a reminder, if you need extra help or would like to get tested on your next belt song, Mrs. Niu will be available on Tuesdays from 8;10am-8:30am and Mrs. Rzasa will be available on Thursdays from 8:10am-8:30am.

The fourth graders started a new folk dance called "Bridge of Athlone."  They first found Ireland on the map, then talked about the history of that famous bridge.  Here is a video of our fourth graders performing the dance:

Our fifth graders had so much fun with the "Bridge of Athlone "that they performed it again this year. Here is a picture of the students:

In chorus, we began learning our final song for the concert, "Stories of My Life." This song celebrates the role of literature in our lives by naming twenty favorite children's books. 

Don't forget that students don't have school on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend!

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