
Friday, January 26, 2018

Weekly Review 1/22 - 1/26

The first grade students are really enjoying their Peter and the Wolf Unit!  This week, they worked on a listening map.  Each part of the map included a fun activity, such as drawing the different characters and identifying different instruments. They really enjoyed listening to the story, narrated by Patrick Stewart, as well as the beautiful music written by Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev!

The second graders have been continuing their instrument family unit. This week, we focused on the woodwind and brass families.

Common woodwind instruments:

  • Flute
  • Clarinet
  • Saxaphone
  • Oboe
  • Bassoon
  • Recorder
Common brass instruments:
  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • French Horn
  • Tuba

The third grade students took a practice test to help them prepare for their music notation test next week.  They did such a great job!  Most students won't even need to study :) For students who wanted just a little extra practice with notation were able to come to extra help at recess.  Next week will be exciting since we will be getting the recorders!!

This morning we went on a field trip to see the Lexington Symphony perform.  Click HERE for the blog post and lots of photos!

The fourth and fifth graders enjoyed performing chords on the tone chimes along with a famous song.  Fourth grade students played the accompaniment to "Auld Lang Syne," and the fifth graders rocked out to "Take On Me."  Check out their videos below!

In chorus, the students started learning songs for their spring concert.  The theme is "What a Wonderful World." Of course, one of their pieces is a song by the same name, made famous by Louis Armstrong.  Armstrong is a legendary jazz trumpet player and singer, and his nickname is "Satchmo!"

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