
Friday, March 17, 2017

Weekly Review 3/13- 3/17

The first grade students enjoyed learning and playing on hand percussion instruments.  They can now identify and play the following instruments:
  • Rhythm Sticks
  • Triangle
  • Cymbals
  • Finger Cymbals
  • Cowbell
  • Agogo Bells
  • Cabasa
  • Vibraslap
  • Jingle Bells
  • Sleigh Bells
  • Egg Shakers
  • Maracas
  • Guiro
  • Wood Block
  • Sand Blocks
  • Tambourine
To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, the students also learned a song about a leprechaun.  They then played a game that included a hand drum as well as a glissando on the glockenspiel.

The second grade students also celebrated St. Patrick's Day by making up their own folk dances to accompany the Irish Washerwoman song.   Check out some of their videos below!

The third graders have been doing an amazing job on their recorders and in the recorder centers!  Many of them have started the green belt (Lucy Locket), so we are now working on low E.  Just as a reminder, if you need extra help or would like to get tested on your next belt song, Mrs. Niu will be available on Tuesdays from 8;10am-8:30am and Mrs. Rzasa will be available on Fridays from 8:10am-8:30am.

Our fourth grade students completed and performed their ABA compositions. Here are their compositions by classes: ABA Compositions

Our fifth grade students completed and performed their RONDO form compositions. Here are their performances by classes: RONDO form compositions.

In chorus, fifth grade students continued to work on their grade level song, "I Have a Shadow" and learned, "Galop." Fourth grade students continued working on, "Galop" and "Listen to the Rain." Thank you to all those who tried out for the solo or dance parts! We have so many talented musicians!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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