
Friday, February 17, 2017

Weekly Review 2/20-24

First grade students celebrated Valentine's Day by singing, "Heel, Toe, on the Line."  There were two words that the students did not recognize- "Ja" and "Nein." These words mean "Yes" and "No" in German. Each student dances with a partner in a circle and on the word "Nein," the partners turns their back against each other and ends up with a new partner. It was so much fun to see who our new partner was going to be! 

 Mrs. Panag and Mrs. Burnham's class also performed their orchestration of, "Peter and the Wolf." Here are the videos:

Second graders also sang a Valentine's day song- "Special Valentine."  Each student randomly selected a valentine that said friend, pet/animal, celebrity, family member, and classmate.  When it was their turn to sing a solo, they named who their special valentine was.  The song is jazzy, and we loved snapping our fingers along to the beat!  We also finished the four instrument families from the  "Young Person's Guide. " After February vacation, we will playing Instrument Bingo to test their knowledge on the sounds of the various instruments!

In third grade, we started six different activity centers for students to rotate to as Mrs. Rzasa and I as we test students for their recorder belts. Here are the following six centers:
   1.  Testing- students can test for their belts or request help on the belt song they are working on.
   2.  Practicing- students practice and help one another.
   3.  Rhythm Stick Games- games that help reinforce rhythms are played.
   4.  Musical Game- games that reinforce note names
   5.  Composer's Corner- student compose their own music using B,A and G or working on a music
        worksheet called, "Busiest Day of the Week!"
   6.  Book Nook- Students silently read music books

We also spent time on a fun interactive game called, "JoyTunes" where students can master the recorder.  Joy Tunes (  This site is a great way for students to practice through recorder games.  To play, you need a computer with a microphone (most laptops have built-in mics).  You can also download the free app if you have an iPad (

You will need to make an account so the student's progress will be saved.  Here's how to do it:

Go to, and click "Play for Free"

Next, make a username, password, and type in your email address:

Click "CONNECT" to allow the site to access your microphone:

Now you're ready to play!  Have fun :)

The fourth and fifth graders enjoyed practicing their compositions on the classroom percussion instruments.  Each group thoughtfully selected the instruments that they thought would sound best with the rhythm they composed.  After February vacation, we will be performing them.

In chorus, fifth grade students reviewed Fugue for Fast Food, continued on with Listen to the Rain, and began their grade level featured song, "I have a Shadow."  Fourth grade students reviewed Peter Piper, Fugue for Fast Food, continued on with Listen to the Rain and also learned, "The Gallop." Don't forget to bring in your white t-shirts so that we can decorate them in March!

Have a fabulous February break! Your only homework- To relax with your family and friends!

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