
Friday, March 11, 2016

Weekly Review 3/7- 3/11

Mrs. Rzasa and I went to a music conference all day Thursday and today so here is what our students learned in music on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

The first grade students enjoyed learning and playing on hand percussion instruments.  They can now identify and play the following instruments:
  • Rhythm Sticks
  • Triangle
  • Cymbals
  • Finger Cymbals
  • Cowbell
  • Agogo Bells
  • Cabasa
  • Vibraslap
  • Jingle Bells
  • Sleigh Bells
  • Egg Shakers
  • Maracas
  • Guiro
  • Wood Block
  • Sand Blocks
  • Tambourine
Next week we will finish learning a few more percussion instruments. 

Our second grade students continued to prepare for their Memorial Day Concert. They learned the partner song to the verse, "Grand Old Flag." To help celebrate St. Patrick's day next week, the students learned a fun Irish Jig dance. Here is a video of second graders rehearsing their Irish dance steps:

Our third grade students are becoming proficient in playing the notes B, A, and G! We continued with our music centers and testing students on their belt songs. If you would like extra help, please feel free to see me on Tuesday mornings from 8:10-8:30 or Mrs. Rzasa on Wednesday mornings from 8:10-8:30.

All of our fourth graders finished performing their compositions. They did such a great job! You can view your child's ABA performance now: Compositions. Next week will start a new composition project!

The fifth grade students have started a new composing unit as well.  We read "Where the Wild Things Are" to the classes, and we discussed how adding music would make the story more interesting.  What kind of music would work for each part of the story?  Which instruments would be most appropriate to get the perfect sound?  Next week, they will experiment in small groups and compose a short piece to ago along with their assigned part of the story.

Chorus will resume next week!

We hope you enjoy the beautiful weather! Have a lovely weekend!

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