
Monday, January 11, 2016

String Update/Assignment - Performance Day!

Hello!  Today was performance day for the students.

This is an opportunity for each student to play a piece that represents their best.  Below are some of the benefits of Performance Day:

  • Students play for, and inspire, their peers
  • Students gain independence playing alone
  • The more frequently they perform, the less nerves there will be come concert time
  • I can more accurately assess each student, and help them one-on-one
  • Each student becomes a teaching tool for the others in class, and students may offer suggestions to help their peers. 
  • It's fun!

Performance Day was a little different this time, since all of the students were sight reading.   This was part of our benchmark assessments for the year.  I gave all of the 4th and 5th graders an excerpt from Dragon Slayer (one of our new concert songs), and they had a few minutes to silently look at it.  Then, they were asked to play, without hearing it or working on it first.

Once all students completed their benchmark assessments, some of them wanted to perform another tune that they had worked on.  Here are the videos:

All students will start to work on Dragon Slayer this week, and continue to do tunes from their book.  Remember - there is no school next Monday for Martin Luther King Day.

Have a happy Monday!

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