
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

String Update and Assignment

Fourth Graders:
4A:  Yesterday we started working on our concert music!  I am so happy to have such determined and hard-working students.  We have been doing a lot of hard work to prepare for our December concert.  It's tough because you are all on brand new instruments!  Here's a video of group 4A practicing Concerto for Triangle:


  • D Major Scale
  • See how far you can get on Concerto for Triangle. If you get stuck on a note, you can check in the book to see how to finger it!  Don't get discouraged if you have trouble - just let me know next time you see me and I can help you out :)
4B/C:  To be honest, most of the students in these lesson groups forgot to practice.  Practicing at home is so important to ensure that skills learned in our Monday lessons are reinforced throughout the week.  Let me know if you are having trouble remembering, and I can send you home with reminders!   

  • D Major Scale
  • ALL of Concerto for Triangle
Fifth Graders:
5A/B:  Yesterday the students ran through the Concerto for Triangle.  Then, we played through all of Jazzy Old Saint Nick.  Since we had extra time, we were able to start the new song, Carol of the Bells.

  • Work on all of the music we have so far for our concert, focusing on Concerto for Triangle.

**This Thursday is our first combined 4th and 5th grade orchestra rehearsal.  Please send your child to school on Thursdays with their instrument and music. Thank you!**

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