
Monday, April 13, 2015

String Update/Assignment

Third Graders:
With our concert less than two months away (June 10th!), we have really been focusing on those concert sheet songs.  Today we reviewed Song for Christine and Frere Jacques.  Some of the lesson groups worked on the other songs too.

PLEASE remember to practice at home!  Soon I will be giving some extra music for students who have already mastered the concert pieces :)


  • D Major Scale, with varied rhythms
  • Concert Sheet, focusing on whatever you find the trickiest

Fourth Graders:
4A:  Today we focused on the Submarine Song and the William Tell Overture.  These are our most difficult pieces, and it is important to practice them often at home!

  • D Major Scale, with varied rhythms
  • Submarine, William Tell, and Ode to Joy should be the focus of your practicing
  • Play through Hickory Dickory Dock as a warm-up or a reward for a good practice session!

4B:  Today we spent most of our lesson time on the Minuet.  We also learned what a slur was!  A slur is when two (or more) notes are played smoothly using one bow stroke.  We also ran through Ode to Joy and William Tell.  It sounded beautiful today with the dynamics! :)

  • D Major Scale, with varied rhythms
  • ALL concert tunes!  Focus on the A section (first half) of Minuet

Thank you to Paul for suggestion the rhythm for our scale, and thanks to Steven for taping it!!

It was so beautiful out today that Mrs. Keating's class had their lesson outside!  It was quite windy, but the students above knew their tune from memory.  Great job!

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