
Monday, February 24, 2014

Weekly Review- 2/10- 2/14

This week was our last week playing the violins before they traveled to a different school in Burlington. Some of our 5th graders had the opportunity to play the cello and the viola.

In first grade, the students finished their violin unit with the song, "Mississippi Hot Dog." They were asked to perform this song on any of the four open strings.  We learned a cute movement song called, "Tony Chestnut" which involved active participation. We sang this song in three different tempos and bursted out laughing after each one because we had so much fun! We also learned a Valentine's Day dance called, " Will You Be My Valentine?" There were two words that the students did not recognize- "Ja" and "Nein." These words mean "Yes" and "No" in German. Each student dances with a partner in a circle and on the word "Nein," the partners turns their back against each other and ends up with a new partner. It was so much fun to see who are new partner was going to be!

Second grade students completed their last day of violin with learning, "Hot Cross Bun" and the beginning of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." These two songs are challenging to play because students had to put their left fingers on the fingerboard while playing pizzicato with their right hand. We also learned a fun jazzy Valentine's Day song called, "Special Valentine." Students got to sing who they would like to send their "special" Valentine to. Categories included celebrity, pet, and friend in your class. 

Congratulations to our third grade students for passing the "Hot Cross Bun" and earning their first belt! Mrs. Rzasa and I are so proud of you all! We also learned the yellow belt song- Merrily We Roll Along. This song gives practice on the notes of B, A and G.  Here are the finger positions for the first three notes we have learned:

Here is what Mrs. Rzasa and I are assessing on the belt test-

- Accurately plays pitches

- Accurately plays rhythm with a consistent tempo
- Blows gently and presses firmly to avoid squeaks

Fourth and Fifth grade students all played the violin using the bow. They were so excited to perform with the bow. For our fourth grade students, it was their first time using a bow. Many of them did not realize that they had to prepare the bow by applying rosin. We learned two different strokes- up bow and a down bow. We found it that it was more difficult than it looked to play the bow steadily. Some of our fifth graders go the privilege to play "Hot Cross Bun" on a viola and/or a cello.

Due to the snow day on Thursday and a 2 hour delay on Friday, we did not have chorus this week. We will resume chorus rehearsal when we get back for the February break.

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