
Friday, September 13, 2013

Weekly Review 9/9 - 9/13

We had an amazing first full week in music!  The 2nd-5th grade students are getting back into the routine, and the first graders are starting to get used to being at specials so late in the day- last year in Kindergarten, their day would have been over already!

This week, the first graders started to learn the difference between a singing voice and a speaking voice.  Some of the classes played a game called "Simon Sings."  The concept of the game is similar to "Simon Says," only in our game, the instructions that are sung are the ones that get followed.  If an instruction is given in a speaking voice and a child follows, he/she is out!  They also finished the "Welcome Back" song, varying the tempo (speed) and dynamics (volume) while they sang.  The students were introduced to the "sol"and "mi" scale tones, along with the appropriate hand signs (see below).  Some of the students learned a fun chant called "Chop, Chop," and learned the rhythm syllables "du" and "du-de."  They also played a great game called "Poison Pattern!"  It has been a busy week for first grade!

The second grade students also worked on their solfege scale tones- they learned re, fa, and ti- so now they can sing the entire scale!! (see hand signs below).  

They also switched to using "du" for speaking quarter notes, and "du-de" for speaking eighth notes- last year they had used "ta" and "ti-ti."  These beat function syllables will help them count rhythms more accurately!  We discussed what patriotic means and sang "America," and some students started to learn a song and body percussion activity called "Come and Follow Me."  Ms. McLaughlin's class played a bit of "Ickle Ockle" on Wednesday, and wanted to share it with you!

The third graders finished their name game from last week, "Hey Children"- it was a lot of fun!  They practiced their solfege scale tones, and many of them sang solos in class.  The students who didn't sing alone this week will get to next week!  Some students created their own four beat patterns using quarter notes and eighth notes, then started to sing a great new song called "The Thread Follows the Needle."  They will finish the activity next week!

Fourth and Fifth graders had similar weeks in music- they both learned a cup game and had a fun time practicing the routine.  If you play at home, remember to use a plastic or paper cup, and not glass! :)  They also started chorus this week with more breathing practice, stretches, and vocal warm-ups.  They are starting to learn a medly from "The Grinch"- our winter concert theme is music from the movies!!  Fifth graders reviewed how to read a score, and came up with a list of Chorus Rules and Expectations to help the fourth graders who are new to singing in an ensemble.  Below are the expectations that they remembered from last year:

  • Good posture when singing or chanting
  • Respect chorus music and folder
  • Participate actively in stretches, warm-ups, and the rest of the rehearsal
  • Stand respectively, even when you are not singing 
  • ALWAYS watch the conductor
  • Listen to each other

These will surely help the fourth graders get on the right track, and will serve as an excellent reminder for fifth graders!


We hope you have an amazing weekend, and enjoy the last few warm days before Autumn!

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