
Friday, February 8, 2013

Weekly Review 2/4-2/8

Students in first grade celebrated Groundhog Day by singing a fun song with a musical game called, "Time to Wake-Up Sleepy Groundhog." This year, Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring because he did not see his shadow. After the students successfully learned the song, a student was chosen to be the groundhog.  The rest of the students formed a circle around the sleeping groundhog. The students sang, "Time to Wake Up Sleepy Groundhog" as they walk in a circle holding hands. On the word "over," the groundhog wakes up. The first person that he/she sees becomes the next groundhog.

Second grade students also celebrated Groundhog Day by learning a fun song with 2 ostinato parts called, "Wake Up Groundhog Sleepyhead." An ostinato is a repeated musical phrase. The 2 ostinato parts are, "Wake groundhog" and "Get, out, of, bed!" Next week, each student will play an ostinato part on an Orff instrument!

It was an exciting week for our third grade students. Congratulations to each third grader who passed the music exam! By now, each child has his/her own recorder.  I am sure you all have heard that we will be doing Recorder Karate!  The students are very excited to earn their white belt! In this recorder program, students will play American folk songs in order to earn yarn belts that will be tied to their recorders. Students must play individually for Mrs. Rzasa or I, during their music class or on another designated belt testing time. We have found that this is a great way to keep students motivated! We will also be taking recorder attendance. Please remind your child to bring their recorder and folder to each music class. Students should be aiming to practice 5 times each week at a minimum of 5 minutes a day in order to get maximum results.

The fourth and fifth grade students continued their ABA and rondo form compositions.  Most students who completed their composition chose a percussion instrument to perform their rhythmic parts. Next week, each fourth and fifth grade student will turn their rhythmic compositions into melodic compositions with Muse Score.  We are excited to hear all their creative compositions!

With the Blizzard of 2013 on it's way, we hope you have a safe and wonderful weekend!

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