
Friday, February 15, 2013

Weekly Review 2/11 - 2/15

This week, the first grade students celebrated Valentine's Day in music!  We sang a fun movement song called "Tony Chestnut," then sang "Heel, Toe, on the Line."  The best thing about that song?  It's a dance!  Each time you sing, you are surprised with a new partner.  Check out this video of the two Thursday classes!

Second graders also sang a Valentine's day song- "Special Valentine."  Each student randomly selected a valentine that said friend, pet/animal, celebrity, family member, and classmate.  When it was their turn to sing a solo, they named who their special valentine was.  The song is jazzy, and we loved snapping our fingers along to the beat!  The students also finished their Groundhog's Day song on the xylophones and glockenspiels.

This was a big week for third graders!  Most students tested for and passed their White Belts- we are so proud of them! They were rewarded with a white piece of yarn to tie onto the bottom of their recorders.  Please visit THIS post to learn about how to access recordings of the recorder songs!  The next song we will be learning is called "Merrily We Roll Along."

Fourth and fifth grade students visited the computer lab to turn their rhythmic compositions into a melody!  We used the free notation program, MuseScore.  If you are interested in downloading it to use at home, visit that link :)  The students have been very creatively composing, and I cannot wait to hear the end result!  When we return to school, each fourth and fifth grade class will have one more day to compose in the lab.

In chorus, most classes finished learning the first three songs.  Each grade level only has one more song to learn, then we can work on polishing/refining them and adding movement and instruments!

We you hope you have a safe and exciting Winter Break!

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