
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Third Grade Recorders

We are so excited to be starting the recorder unit with the Third Grade Students!  Here is a copy of the permission slip that went home with your students last week:


January 4, 2012
Dear Parents and Guardians:           

    We are excited to inform you that your third grade child will be learning to play the recorder in music as part of Burlington’s music curriculum.

    We are suggesting that each child purchases his/her own personal recorder through the school so that all the instruments will be alike and equally in tune. We will be ordering Yamaha recorders that comes with a storage case and a fingering chart. The recorders are $6.00 each. To help us place the order, please return the detachable form to your child’s classroom teacher by Friday, Jan. 13th. along with $6.00 cash.

We encourage students to bring the recorders home to practice, but it is required that the recorder be in music class each week. If your child chooses to bring the recorder home, it is hi/her responsibility to bring it back in for music class. If students do not bring their recorders to class, it will count as an unprepared for the day and will affect their report card grade.  We will be providing a folder to keep their recorder music in.  

Learning the recorder involves more than playing songs. It involves music reading, creativity, discipline and working as a group. Students will be able to play independently and with their classmates. At-home practice is a great way to reinforce the lessons taught in music class. It is often helpful for someone at home to occasionally listen to the songs we have been working on, to encourage effort, track progress and correct mistakes.  

    Thank you for your continued support in your child’s musical endeavors! Feel free to contact Mrs. Niu ( or Mrs. Rzasa ( if you have any questions!


Mrs. Niu                    Mrs. Rzasa

* Please sign and return the bottom portion only to your child’s classroom teacher

Child’s Name______________________________________  

Classroom  Teacher________________________________

_________________________________________________            _________________
Parent or Guardian Signature                            Date

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