
2nd Grade

Hey Ho
Hey ho, nobody home
Meat nor drink nor money, I have none
Yet will I be merry?
Hey ho, ho

Ah Poor Bird
Ah poor bird, take your flight
Up above the sorrow of this dark night

Grand Old Flag
You're a grand old flag
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave
You're the emblem of the land I love
The home of the free and the brave!
Every heart beats true for the red, white, and blue
And there's never a boast or brag
But should old acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eyes on the grand old flag!

We Love the USA
We love the USA!
We live in a land where all are free
And proud to defend their liberty
We mean it when we say,
"We're glad we're alive and live in the USA!"

We love the USA!
We'll join in the chorus loud and strong
And sing of the land where we belong

We mean it when we say,
"We're glad we're alive and live in the USA!"

To Stop the Train
To stop the train in case of an emergency
Pull down the chain, pull down the chain!
Penalty for improper use, five pounds!

Special Valentine
If ______ had a special Valentine,
If ______ had a special Valentine,
If ______ had a special Valentine,
I wonder who s/he'd send it to.
(solo) I'd send it to ________
(group) S/He'd send it to ______

Wake Up
Wake up groundhog, sleepyhead
Get yourself right out of bed
Come outside and don't be shy
Please be brave you silly guy!

Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra games

Do What I'm Doin'
Do what I'm doin'
Follow, follow me
Do what I'm doin'
Follow, follow me

Do what s/he's doin'
Follow, follow her/him
Do what s/he's doin'
Follow, follow her/him

Over the Prairie
Over the prairie the cowboy will ride,
Spurs on his boots and a rope at his side;
Far from the ranch house he travels each day,
Yippeei, yippeei, yippeeiay!

Smells Like Thanksgiving
Smells like Thanksgiving!
Smells like Thanksgiving!
Yum, yum, yum,
Yum, yum, yum
I can smell the _______
I can smell the _______
Yum, yum, yum
Yum, yum, yum

5 Fat Turkeys
5 fat turkeys are we,
We slept all night in a tree
When the cook came around, we couldn't be found
So that's why we're here you see!

Ostinato 1: 5 fat turkeys  Ostinato 2: Cook, Cook

Witches' Brew
Dead leaves, seaweed, rotten eggs too
Stir them in my witches' brew. I got magic, alakazam, akazoo
Spiderweb, moldy bread, mucky mud too
Stir them in my witches' brew. I got magic, alakazam, akazoo
Oooh my witches' brew.
Oooh, what's it gonna do to you? Boo!
Floor wax thumb tacks, purple paint too
Stir them in my witches' brew. I got magic, alakazam, akazoo
Fingernails, lunch pails, apple cores too
Stir them in my witches' brew. I got magic, alakazam, akazoo
Oooh my witches' brew
Oooh, what's it gonna do to you? Boo!
Wrinkled prunes, mushrooms, motor oil too
Stir them in my witches' brew. I got magic, alakazam, akazoo
Yea, I got magic, alakazam, akazoo

A Funny Little Lady
A funny little lady with a pointed hat
On my door went, "rap, rap, rap"
When I went to open it she was not there
But up on her broomstick high in the air!

Witches' Stew
The witches' stew is a bubbly brew
and not so good for you!
It's a sloppy goo that boils and brews
Until it's brownish blue.

There are slimy worms, Eeeew!
Tiny germs, Ick!
Big black bugs, Ugh!
Slick slack slugs, Yuck!

There are spider webs, Eeeew!
Rotten eggs, Ick!
Black bat wings, Ugh!
Smelly things, Yuck!

The witches' stew is a bubbly brew and
not so good for you!

Bony Legs
Bony Legs lives in a forest.
All alone in a hut on chicken feet.
Bony Legs has a nasty temper
And she loves to gobble candy with her shiny iron teeth.

Ghost of John
Have you seen the ghost of John?
Long white bones with the skin all gone
Wouldn't it be chilly with no skin on?

Alligator Pie
Alligator Pie, Alligator Pie
If I don't get some, I think I'm gonna cry.
Give away the green grass, give away the sky
But don't give away my Alligator Pie.

Alligator Soup, Alligator Soup
If I don't get some, I think I'm gonna droop.
Give away my hockey stick, and my hoola hoop
But don't give away my Alligator Soup.

Alligator Stew, Alligator Stew
If I don't get some, I don't know what I'll do.
Give away my furry hat, give away my shoe
But don't give away my Alligator Stew

Alligator Pie, Alligator Pie
If I don't get some, I think I'm gonna cry.
Give away the green grass, give away the sky
But don't give away my Alligator Pie

I said DON'T give away my Alligator Pie!

I'm a Nut
I'm an acorn small and round
Lying on the cold, cold ground
Everyone walks over me
That is why I'm cracked, you see.
I'm a nut.
I'm a nut.

This Land is Your Land
This land is your land,
This land is my land.
From California to the New York Island
From the Redwood Forest
to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and me!

Come and Follow Me
Come and follow me
Singing together as one
Copy everything you see
Singing together as one
We'll make harmony
Singing together as one!

My country 'tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing
Land where my fathers died
Land of the pilgrim's pride
From every mountainside
Let freedom ring!

Ickle Ockle
Ickle Ockle, blue bottle
Fishes in the sea.
If you want a partner, please choose me.

Memorial School Song
We are happy and proud
Here at Memorial School
Some of us were born in town,
Others born around the world
But we find our "true north" at Memorial School
Teachers, students, faculty and
All our families love it at Memorial School!