
Saturday, December 14, 2019

Weekly Review 12/9-12/13

We can't believe 2019 is coming to an end soon. Here is what we did in music this week:

Our first grade students have been working really hard to prepare for their Winter Showcase on Wednesday, Dec. 18th at 1:30pm. Incase you have not received the invitation, here it is:

Dear Parents,christmas-singing-coloring-pages-7.gif

We would like to invite you and your family to our annual First Grade Winter Showcase on Wednesday, December 18th at 1:30 p.m. in the Cafetorium.  

We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs. Niu and Mrs. Rzasa
Music Specialists

**If you would like to dismiss your child after the assembly, please send a note to the office. 

Second graders have been studying about the famous ballet, "The Nutcracker."
They watched, The Nutcracker movie featuring the New York City Ballet. The students learned that in a ballet, the story is conveyed through dance and movement instead of through spoken words.  The only voice you hear is the narrator, who occasionally speaks to give extra details about the story.

The third grade students reviewed the parts of the staff as well as the line and space notes.  Then they played a fun staff games to reinforce what they have learned. The game is played on the floor staff, and it's called, "On Your Mark, Get Set, Notate!" They can't wait to start learning the recorder in February!

Congratulations to all our 4th and 5th grade students on a wonderful Winter Concert! You all worked very hard and should be proud of yourselves!

Have a wonderful weekend and stay dry!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Weekly Review 12/2 - 12/6

We hope you had a fun and safe snow day this week!

The first graders are really excited to show you what they have been learning in music this year! They are busy rehearsing for their first music performance. It will be on Wednesday, Dec. 18th @ 1:30pm.  A letter with details went home earlier this week. They learned the musical terms verse and refrain with the song "Jingle Bells."  A verse is a section of a song that has the same music but different lyrics. The REfrain is the part of the song that we REmember because the music and lyrics get REpeated at least more than once. We also learned a fun song called "Rock and Roll Snowman" for our showcase.

The second grade students learned about our new composer for December, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. He is a Russian composer who wrote The Nutcracker.   We reviewed the March (a song from The Nutcracker that they danced to in first grade).  Each student listened carefully to the different themes in the song and moved like soldiers, puppets, and mice!  Then, they learned a brand new dance for the Trepak.  The students even danced with scarves!

The third graders have started their music notation unit to help prepare them for the recorder.  First, they learned about the staff, and then we added the treble clef, time signature, bar lines, double bar line, repeat sign, and labeled the measures. The students did a wonderful job drawing and labeling these musical items. Here are some pictures:

The fourth and fifth graders had their first two rehearsals on stage, and did such an amazing job! We can't wait for you to hear them perform on Wednesday, December 11th at 6 pm!